Contact & infos

Telephone service Monday to Sunday, 9am to 7pm and Saturday, 9am to 8pm.

Legal Mentions

Rue des Marchais
85180 Le Chñteau d’Olonne

Tel : 0251230230
Email : info@aloa-vacances.comCopy
APE : Terrains de camping et parcs pour caravanes ou vĂ©hicules de loisirs (5530Z)
RCS : La Roche-sur-Yon 521 389 304
SIRET : 521 389 304 000 10
TVA : FR 50 521 389 304
Capital : 40 000,00 €

The director of the publication is Mr Chailloleau Christophe.
The website is hosted by the company Niwanet.
The website is the exclusive property of Aloa Vacances. It was designed and produced by Francecom.

2, Boulevard Jean Moulin 44100 NANTES
Tel : 02 51 80 88 88
Fax : 02 51 80 88 87
Web :
RCS : Nantes B 410 557 151
SIRET : 41055715100017

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The Site is operated by the company Aloa Vacances.

The site presents the activities of the company Aloa Vacances.

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The Site constitutes a work of which Francecom is the author within the meaning of articles L111.1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.

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Registration with the CNIL in progress.

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In accordance with article L. 612-1 of the French Consumer Code, the consumer, subject to article L.612.2 of the French Consumer Code, has the option of submitting a request for amicable resolution by mediation, within a period of less than one year from the date of his written complaint to the professional.

We invite the holidaymaker to consult the legal mentions of the ALOA VACANCES campsite in which they have stayed, in order to find the information necessary for mediation.

Legal mentions for Beauséjour campsite

Legal mentions for Ker Yaoulet campsite

Legal mentions for Le Clos Virgile campsite

Legal mentions for Le Nid d’ÉtĂ© campsite

Legal mentions for Les Ajoncs d’Or campsite

Legal mentions for Les Flots Bleus campsite

Legal mentions for Les Pirons campsite

Legal mentions for Olérons Loisirs campsite

Legal mentions for Riez Ă  la vie campsite

Legal mentions for Ur-Onéa campsite

Legal mentions for Orée du Bois campsite

Legal mentions for MaĂŻre campsite

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Location Choose a region Alsace Gironde / Périgord / Landes / Pays-Basque Auvergne Basse-Normandie Bourgogne Bretagne Sud Centre Champagne-Ardenne Corse Franche-Comté Haute-Normandie Ile-de-France Languedoc-Roussillon Limousin-Roussillon Lorraine Midi-Pyrénées Nord-Pas-de-Calais Vendée Picardie Charente-Maritime PACA RhÎne-Alpes
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Compare ranges

Find the range that's right for you!

Ranges Bedrooms Bathrooms TV lounge Kitchen kit ** Kitchen kit + *** Transat Dishwashers Toaster Beds made up on arrival Hair dryer Bath kit **** Climatisation TV in parents' bedroom Plancha Coffee maker RMP Other
Cocon 1 Ă  2 chambres 1 with filters PMR Ker Yaoulet
Cocoon + 1 to 2 bedrooms 1 with filters PMR Beauséjour
Evasion 2 bedrooms 1 to 2 with filters PMR Oléron - Riez - Nid - Maïre
Evasion + 2 bedrooms 1 to 2 with filters
Loisir 2 to 4 bedrooms 1 with filters
Loisir + 3 bedrooms 1 to 2* with filters *only at Beauséjour and Maïre
Confort 2 to 4 bedrooms 1 to 2 with filters
Confort + 2 to 4 bedrooms 1 to 2 with filters
Mahana 2 to 3 bedrooms 1 to 2 Pods
Premium* 2 to 3 bedrooms 1 to 2 Pods *except Premium 4pers, 2ch, 28mÂČ Riez
Tribu 6 bedrooms 2 with filters Only in Ajoncs and Ker

All our accommodations are also equipped with a refrigerator, table and chairs, crockery, pots and pans, coffee maker, microwave, undersheets, pillows (60*60) and blankets.

**kitchen kit includes: sponge, cloth, multi-purpose cleaner, washing-up liquid and ice cubes.

*** kitchen kit + includes: sponge, cloth, multi-purpose cleaner, dishwashing liquid, ice cubes and dishwasher tablet

**** bath kit includes: a tube of shampoo, a tube of shower gel and a bar of soap